Personal Reflection on Being Named a “Woman of Influence” by the Nashville Business Journal
As we celebrate Women’s Equality Day, I find myself reflecting on my professional and personal journey that has culminated in the honor of being named a, “Woman of Influence.” My path has been unconventional and at times difficult. For those that know my story, the beginning would have undoubtably cast me as a different character in my own narrative – statistically speaking. That said, I am now grateful for those moments of hardship and uncertainty as they have been the catalyst for my strength, resilience and curiosity of purpose. I believe, at my core, that we can choose the path we walk in life. For some, the climb may be steeper than for others but that shouldn’t deter any of us.
Thirteen years ago, I decided to follow my dream of starting my own business in an industry that, at the time, was obscure and consisted more of seasoned executives (definitely not a determined 27-year-old). The “wise” words of those that I sought counsel from consisted of reasons I should reconsider my career choice (too young, too inexperienced, you get the gist of it).
Good thing I did not follow their ‘sage’ advice. Too often, people can only see the path forward based on the path they have walked (also known as operating from System 1 thinking – where we quickly make present decisions based on subjective past experiences. A practice that many executives and organizations engage in all too often).
Today, I want to say thank you to the hundreds of leaders and organizations that have invited me to walk beside them as they chart their own paths. I also want to encourage anyone that may be questioning their personal and professional pursuits – swing for the fences and bet on yourself!
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